Renforth Enlarges and Drills Surimeau, Parbec Drilling Update

- “Fouillac” showing, re-discovered in field by Renforth, newly acquired by staking, historically (1960s) drilled for gold, recently cleared by logging operations
- Drilling on flagship Parbec Open Pit Gold Deposit continues, almost 6000m drilled in 17 holes to date, assay data for only 176m (half of the first hole) received as yet.
- Surimeau drill program commenced to obtain fresh rock along Victoria West polymetallic structure
- 219 Claims staked, more than doubling Surimeau size, securing known mineralized system and additional geophysical anomalies
Renforth Resources Inc. (CSE – RFR) (OTC US- RFHRF) (WKN - A2H9TN) (“Renforth” or the “Company”) is pleased to advise shareholders that a drill program has commenced on our newly enlarged, wholly owned 215km2, polymetallic Surimeau Property, contiguous to the Canadian Malartic Mine, outside of Malartic, Quebec.
“We have embarked on a drill program at Surimeau, as we were able to hire an excellent driller, with a low-impact mobile machine, to cost effectively give us a window into parts of the 20+km long Victoria West-Colonie southern trend,” stated Nicole Brewster, President & CEO of Renforth.  “The Victoria West-Colonie trend is a very large geophysical trend which is mostly under cover. The presence of cover over an anomaly of this size does pose an exploration challenge, but the presence of cover is also why we were able to assemble Surimeau with the various historically explored areas of mineralization into one large property. Now we will be innovative in our approach to this challenge, effectively prospecting with a small drill. At the same time our main focus, which is separately staffed, is the ongoing drill program at our flagship Parbec asset; with nearly 6000m drilled to date, we only have results for 176m, so we are looking forward to the receipt of more assays.”
Fouillac Showing
Initial prospecting of the Fouillac showing resulted in several samples being taken from potential gold host environments and a nickel target similar to the Victoria West portion of the Surimeau Property.
Three different prospective settings were observed in the field: (1) a potential gold environment consisting of strongly foliated and altered Pontiac sediments within a prevailing biotite-cordierite setting hosting a network of whitish to dark blue quartz veining with disseminated pyrite, (2) an area of the Pontiac sediments hosting an unevenly folded, shallow dipping graphitic and sulphide rich layer that may correspond to a local fold hinge. Close examination of the outcrop revealed strongly sericitized, steep easterly dipping QFP lenses cross-cutting the bedding with blue brecciated quartz veining associated with contacts, and (3) a mafic lens approximately 5m in thickness interlayered with sediments, with deformation clearly exhibiting shearing of the two fabrics. Close observation notes a strongly foliated texture with fibrous amphibole, pyroxene and a small percentage of sulphides dipping 50 degrees to the SW. Samples were taken in the field and will be assayed in due course.
Subsequent to the discovery of the showing, research has revealed that the area saw a small amount of exploration attention in the 1960’s and 70’s, with records of “packsack” drilling and trenching programs that are recorded as encountering various types of mineralization. The location of Renforth’s prospecting also correlates with discrete mag high features.
Parbec Drill Prgram Update
Renforth is confident that the goal of drilling 7000m prior to Christmas will be met, with close to 6000m drilled to date in 17 drill holes. These holes are infilling the 43-101 open pit resource model at Parbec, with some planned infill of historical 1980’s drilling, as well as testing for down dip extension. The 1980s drilling, which focused on the historic “tuff” horizon in the “Camp” Zone is being infilled and verified as the assay values from the 1980s, or for anything prior to 2007, were excluded from the resource calculation in May 2020. Positive results from these, or any of the other holes drilled, will increase the Parbec resource. While each drill hole to date has successfully intersected the targeted lithologies, assay results are required to determine gold content, if any, in the holes. Renforth has only received results for 4 of the 47 batches of samples delivered to date to the lab (representing 176m of the first hole) and still has to finish splitting from hole PAR-20-108 to the current PAR-20-116 prior to submitting those samples for assay.
Surimeau Drill Program
Renforth has hired a mobile, track mounted drill, manned by an experienced driller/mechanic, along with a geologist, to carry out a day shift only drill program of a planned 1000m in length. Drill holes will be sited to undercut the Victoria West nickel – zinc – copper known mineralized trend, to obtain new mineralized intervals, fresh rock and a more complete picture of the mineralized trend than can be obtained by surface prospecting due to the limited amount of outcrop and its weathered condition. Historically parts of the Victoria trend were initially identified as a strong airborne conductor, follow up drilling done between the fifties and the seventies have identified a strong multi-kilometric zone of strong disseminated sulfides mineralization, without the ability to determine a genetic model. Renforth intends to apply an innovative exploration approach using our experienced geological team in order to advance the Surimeau Project.
On the map below, the general area of the drill program is labelled “Area of Proposed Drilling”.
Completion of the first drill hole in this program resulted in the identification in core of various types of mineralization: blue quartz veins with sulfides in felsic dykes, calc-silicate alteration in replacement of ultramafic lenses, sulfides bearing sediments with strong biotite- cordierite alteration. All these units share the same sulfides assemblage composed of pyrrhotite, pyrite and sphalerite. Samples have been selected and will be split and sent for assay.
Surimeau Staking

In the above map the original Surimeau property (which was 7336 hectares) is outlined in black, and is contiguous to the Canadian Malartic Mine Property, which is outlined in grey. The 219 newly staked claims are in outlined in blue, which bring the property size to 21,583 hectares, or 215 km2. The Fouillac showing is within the string of 7 high mag bull’s eyes in the centre of the Surimeau Expansion area labelled on the map. Additional claims were staked outside of the Fouillac area in order to encompass any geophysical signatures of interest as well as buffer previously staked Surimeau areas of interest.
Brian H. Newton P.Geo and Martin Demers P.Geo (ogq #770), both a “qualified person” under NI 43-101, have reviewed and approved the technical disclosure in this press release.
For further information please contact:
Renforth Resources Inc.
Nicole Brewster
President and Chief Executive Officer
#269 – 1099 Kingston Road, Pickering ON L1V 1B5
Renforth Resources Inc. is a Toronto-based gold exploration company with five wholly owned mineralized properties located in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Canada.
In Quebec Renforth holds the Parbec Property in the Malartic gold camp, with gold present at surface and to some depth, located on the Cadillac Break, contiguous to the East Amphi portion of the Canadian Malartic Mine property. Parbec carries an open-pit constrained 43-101 resource with additional gold bearing structures, outside of the Cadillac Break on the property, outside of the current resource. Toll milling facilities are located in proximity to Parbec, as closely as within 10 km. Renforth also holds Malartic West, contiguous to the western boundary of the Canadian Malartic Mine Property, located in the Pontiac Sediments, this property is gold bearing and was the recent site of a copper discovery. Renforth has acquired the Surimeau property, also contiguous to Canadian Malartic and the southern border of the Malartic West property. Surimeau hosts polymetallic mineralization and represents the consolidation of four historic properties into one property for the first time, creating an approximately 50km mineralized geophysical system within southern (20kms) and northern (30kms) arms. In addition to this Renforth has optioned the wholly owned Denain-Pershing gold bearing property, located near Louvicourt, Quebec, to O3 Mining Inc.
In Ontario, Renforth holds the Nixon-Bartleman surface gold occurrence west of Timmins, Ontario, drilled, channeled and sampled over 500m – this historic property also requires additional exploration to define the extent of the mineralization.
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This news release contains forward-looking statements and information under applicable securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward looking. Forward-looking statements are frequently identified by such words as ‘may’, ‘will’, ‘plan’, ‘expect’, ‘believe’, ‘anticipate’, ‘estimate’, ‘intend’ and similar words referring to future events and results. Such statements and information are based on the current opinions and expectations of management. All forward-looking information is inherently uncertain and subject to a variety of assumptions, risks and uncertainties, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, the risks of obtaining necessary approvals, licenses and permits and the availability of financing, as described in more detail in the Company’s securities filings available at Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements and the reader is cautioned against placing undue reliance thereon. Forward-looking information speaks only as of the date on which it is provided and the Company assumes no obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements except as required by applicable law.