RJK Explorations seeking source of 800-carat diamond

Drilling a potential kimberlite pipe on the Bishop Nipissing properties near the town of Cobalt, northeast Ontario. Source: RJK Explorations Ltd.
RJK Explorations Ltd. [RJX.A-TSXV; RJKAF-OTC] announced that the 273-kg kimberlite sample retrieved from the Kon property, located 11 km south of the Town of Cobalt, northeastern Ontario, has arrived at Dr. Charles Fipke’s CF Mineral Research Ltd. laboratory in Kelowna, British Columbia. Processing for diamonds and diamond indicator minerals is underway.
The optioned Kon property is one of several claim groups either optioned or owned by the company in an area south of Cobalt and just west of Lake Temiskaming.
RJK Explorations is seeking the source of the 800-carat yellow diamond that was found in the area sometime between 1903 and 1905. Tiffany & Co. cut the stone. There have been a number of attempts over the years to find the source of the 800-carat diamond.
In February 2019, RJK optioned the Bishop Nipissing diamond properties from Anthony “Tony” Bishop that cover 2,090 hectares. The claims host at least 18 kimberlite pipes in a well-established kimberlite field. The company went on the stake another 4,400 hectares in the area.
On February 5, 2020 RJK announced preliminary drilling results and the discovery of new kimberlite on the Kon property three drill holes were completed to test geophysical magnetic high and low features, following up on drone magnetic surveys flown during January.
The KON 1 target was identified by the RJK Explorations team as a Mag Low anomaly which warranted follow up given its proximity to the known kimberlite dike to the north on the Kon claims.
After completing a preliminary hole on the Kon kimberlite dike, the drill rig was moved 400 metres to the south to test the Kon 1 Mag Low where they intersected kimberlite within 11 metres of surface. Two holes were drilled on the Magnetic Low signature, one was a vertical test hole to determine the composition of the potential kimberlite target and the other was drilled at a minus 50ᵒ angle due west to test width and geometry of the newly identified kimberlite.
At the Bishop Paradis claims, at least 18 natural diamonds, varying in colour, have been recovered in a 22.4 kg (50 lb) drill core sample processed at the CF Mineral Research lab. Four of the stones that appear natural are -0.212+0.150 mm in size. One is light yellow, one is light green and two are white in colour.
Kimberlite indicator minerals (KIMs) were also separated and tested, returning materially important results. A total of 28 KIM grain determinations were identified, that commonly derive from kimberlite sources, originating in the “diamond stability field.”
The kimberlite indicator minerals for the Bishop Paradis drill core, reported in RJK’s news release dated April 1, 2020, have been uploaded to the company website at https://www.rjkexplorations.com/paradis-pond-22-4-kg-drill-core-sample-report/
Glenn Kasner, RJK’s CEO, stated, “Discovering diamonds has been our primary goal for thirteen months, since RJK began working in the Cobalt region on the Bishop and Kon claims. Drilling the Kon 1 kimberlite in late January/early February gave our consultants a valuable visual comparison, which led to the recommendation that we retest the Paradis Pond core for diamonds. At least eighteen diamonds thought to be natural by CFM, is well beyond our expectations. Our working relationship with CFM has given us the confidence we need to expand our exploration program. I am very confident in the personnel we have assembled, and together, we will continue to work to unlock the diamond and mineral potential of the Cobalt region. I would also like to thank Dr. Charles E. Fipke for reviewing and adding technical edits to this news release.”
Peter Hubacheck, P.Geo., Project Manager for RJK and the Qualified Person, said, “Although 22.4 kg is a relatively small sample, the results are quite impressive. To find this unique chemistry including twenty-eight diamond inclusion indicator minerals is encouraging. In addition, the picroilmenites show little resorption conducive for the preservation of higher quality diamonds surviving their transport from the mantle to surface of the Earth’s crust.”
The company is taking this spring breakup-COVID-19 time to do more contract geophysics in the Paradis Pond area to prepare targets for drilling as soon as the weather allows and the company personnel and contractors are allowed back to work.