Romios drills 3.3 g/t AuEq over 16.9 metres at Lundmark-Akow, Ontario
Romios Gold Resources Inc. [RG-TSXV; RMIOF-OTC; D4R-FSE]  ] reported results from two diamond drill holes completed in September, 2021, on the gold-copper Stockwork target at the 100%-owned Lundmark-Akow Lake project in northwest Ontario. These two holes were part of a nine-hole program totalling 1,756 metres, drilled from eight sites to test a variety of targets across this very large, 7,800-hectare property that is host to at least four different types of gold and copper zones.
The main gold-copper stockwork has appreciable widths and grades across a significant strike length of greater than 125 metres and is open down dip and along strike in both directions.
Broad zones of stockwork veinlet type mineralization were intersected at shallow depths in hole RGR-21-04, assaying up to 3.3 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq) (2.6 g/t gold, 0.39% copper) over 16.9 metres (Drilled Width), including 5.1 g/t AuEq (4.3 g/t gold, 0.46% copper) over 9.8 metres and 16.9 g/t AuEq (16.03 g/t gold, 0.54% copper) over 2.45 metres.
The same mineralized zone was intersected in two drill holes in 2019. A parallel, narrower zone grading 5.7 g/t gold and 0.24% copper over 2.5 metres was intersected a further 120 metres along strike in hole RGR-21-07.
Mineralization is developed adjacent to a swarm of quartz-feldspar porphyry (QFP) intrusions which are very abundant, large, and somewhat unique to the NW part of the property. The aeromagnetic pattern of this area suggests that the QFP intrusions are very extensive and provides numerous additional drill targets for this type of shallow, potentially open-pitable mineralization.
The diamond drill rig has been left on the property in order to carry out follow-up drilling in 2022.
“There is a good deal of intriguing mineralization in this project area,” commented Stephen Burega, President. “Almost every drill hole intersects gold-copper mineralization, often two or three different types. The majority of this belt of rocks is quite barren so to find a spot under relatively thin overburden cover like northwest Lundmark-Akow where there is such a clustering of mineralization is very encouraging and we believe that this work could lead to a significant discovery,”