Silver Dollar drills 361.8 g/t AgEq over 8.37 metres at La Joya, Mexico

Silver Dollar Resources Inc. [SLV-CSE; SIDRF-OTC] reported initial exploration results for the fall and winter drilling program completed at the 100%-optioned La Joya silver project 75 km southeast of Durango, Mexico.
Highlights include Hole NOR-21-002 that returned 131.2 g/t silver equivalent (AgEq) over 5.37 metres. Hole NOR-21-004 returned 1,590 g/t AgEq over 3.00 metres, and 2,369 g/t AgEq over 1.01 metres within a broader intersection of 361.8 g/t AgEq over 8.37 metres.
Drilling focused on the underexplored Noria portion of the Property and was successful in identifying possible structural extensions of the known mineralized zones as well as the discovery of a new shallow high-grade gold zone. The next phase of drilling will focus on these new targets and is expected to commence before month-end.
Drill core samples from all 11 holes completed over a total of 2,424 metres of drilling were submitted for analysis, and the results reported below are for the first seven holes.
Holes NOR-21-001 and NOR-21-002 targeted possible westward and downward extensions of the mineralization related to the past-producing Embotelladora mine, one of the historic artisanal mines on the Property.
Hole NOR-21-001intercepted the Embotelladora structure and 27 metres of anomalous copper and silver values which graded 10.7 g/t silver and 674 ppm copper starting at 66 metres downhole. This hole was successful in confirming the extension of the mineralized structure.
Hole NOR-21-002 intersected the down-dip extension of the Embotelladora structure with an intercept of 110 g/t silver over 5.37 metres from a depth of 118.62 metres downhole.
Hole NOR-21-003 targeted a historic gold intercept excluded from the database with a short 69 m hole but did not return any significant results.
Hole NOR-21-004 was drilled to test the deep high-grade “San Martin” type mineralization intercepted in historical hole LB96-04. This hole deviated significantly to the south and failed to intercept mineralization at the target depth. However, the hole did encounter unexpected high-grade gold in multiple intervals that have been verified by check assays including 19.2 g/t gold over 3.00 metres starting from a depth of 126 metres downhole and 29.0 g/t gold over 1.01 metres starting from a depth of 164.61 metres downhole. This shallow gold zone will be a primary target going forward.
Hole NOR-21-005 was planned to target an extension of mineralization associated with the western intrusive contact of Coloradito. While it failed to reach the contact, it did intercept high percentages of pyrite and 40.44 metres of 0.28% zinc.
Holes NOR-22-006 and NOR-22-007 were drilled outside of the focus area to test conceptual geophysical targets and did not return any significant results.
Mike Romanik, president, said, “We are encouraged by these initial results and eagerly await the remaining assays, particularly for the wide interval of 40+ metres of visible sulphide mineralization in hole NOR-22-008. Drill core from this hole, that targeted mineralization along the contact between carbonate rocks and a felsic intrusive, looks very promising. The drill rig was left on site, and we expect the next phase of drilling to resume before month-end.”
Silver Dollar has approximately $9 million in the treasury.