Silver Storm drills 598 g/t AgEq over 3.91 metres at La Parrilla mine, Mexico

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Silver Storm Mining Ltd. [TSXV-SVRS; OTCQB-SVRSF] released further drill results from its phase 1 diamond drilling program at the 100%-owned La Parrilla silver mine complex, located in Durango, Mexico. Results from the 23 holes (3,039 metres) contained within this release are from the Rosarios and C340 zones in the Rosarios mine.

Key highlights include numerous high-grade intercepts were encountered within the Rosarios mine underneath and in proximity to previous mined stopes. The current drill results, when combined with historical holes drilled by FM, are expected to have a positive impact on future mineral resources.

In Central Rosarios: hole RO-24-015 returned 598 g/t AgEq (silver equivalent) over 3.91 metres, including 1,170 g/t AgEq over 0.50 m and 1,071 g/t AgEq over 1.35 m; RO-24-014 returned 431 g/t AgEq over 0.69 m and 285 g/t AgEq over 1.02 m; hole RO-24-020 returned 300 g/t AgEq over 1.87 m, including 588 g/t AgEq over 0.46 m; hole RO-24-018 returned 928 g/t AgEq over 0.50 m; and hole RO-24-017 that returned 225 g/t AgEq over 1.48 m:

Seven drill holes in this area encountered high-grade mineralization outside the current resource envelope.

In Western Rosarios: hole RO-24-001 returned 283 g/t AgEq over 3.84 m, including 542 g/t AgEq over 1.19 m and 868 g/t AgEq over 0.39 m; hole RO-24-022A returned 900 g/t AgEq over 0.97 m within a broader interval of 682 g/t AgEq over 1.47 m; and hole RO-24-003 intersected 450 g/t AgEq over 0.30 m:

High-grade mineralization extends the zone 135 m downdip from the last mined stope in the area, demonstrating potential of extending the zone further downdip and to the west.

In Eastern Rosarios, hole RO-24-012 returned 338 g/t AgEq over 1.97 m within a broader interval of 187 g/t AgEq over 4.54 m:eExtended the zone approximately 95 m downdip from the last mined stope in this area.

A new mineralized zone was identified in Eastern Rosarios, with hole RO-24-007 returning 605 g/t AgEq over 0.31 m and RO-24-009 returning several intercepts, the most notable being 889 g/t AgEq over 0.44 m and 468 g/t AgEq over 0.44 m.

Greg McKenzie, president and CEO, commented: “We are pleased with our first drill results from the Rosarios mine and anticipate these results should have a positive impact on future mineral resources, both in terms of tonnage and grade. Although the grades are not as pronounced as those from Quebradillas, historical mining by FM from Rosarios has offered a steady and predictable tonnage, which is important as Rosarios is the closest of the five mines to the processing plant. Our recent drilling reaffirms our thesis that high-grade zones can be expanded along strike and below previously mined horizons.”

The Rosarios zone has historically been an important part of the La Parrilla mine complex, characterized by a sulphide-bearing quartz-carbonate vein hosted within a fault zone striking 290 degrees and dipping 64 degrees to the northeast over a known strike length of approximately 2 km. The mineralization extends vertically for 900 m and its true width varies up to 14 m. The zone has been subdivided into the Western, Central and Eastern Rosarios.

Central Rosarios: Holes RO-24-004A to 006, and 014 to 023A, targeted the Central Rosarios zone. Two blocks of interest have been identified by these drill results, Block A and Block B.

Drilling within Block A (300 m by 250 m) had four holes intersect high-grade mineralization outside of the existing resource envelope: hole RO-24-015 returned 598 g/t AgEq over 3.91 m (106.94 m to 110.85 m), including 1,170 g/t AgEq over 0.50 m and 1,071 g/t AgEq over 1.35 m; RO-24-014 returned 431 g/t AgEq over 0.69 m (139.88 m to 140.57 m) and 285 g/t AgEq over 1.02 m (132.15 m to 133.17 m); hole RO-24-004A intersected vein mineralization returning 295 g/t AgEq over 0.96 m (26.55 m to 27.51 m); and hole RO-24-005 returned 213 g/t AgEq over 0.7 m (17.68 m to 18.35 m).

There are several historical holes within Block A and, when combined with current drill results, are expected to have a positive impact on mineral resources within this area.

An average width of 1.63 metres and average weighted-average grade of 267 g/t AgEq has been calculated from all the historical and current holes within Block A.

Drilling within Block B (175 m by 200 m) had three holes intersect high-grade mineralization outside of the existing resource envelope: hole RO-24-020 returned 300 g/t AgEq over 1.87 m (69.84 m to 71.71 m), including 588 g/t AgEq over 0.46 m; hole RO-24-018 returned 928 g/t AgEq over 0.50 m (79.33 m to 79.83 m); and hole RO-24-017 returned 225 g/t AgEq over 1.48 m (110.78 m to 112.26 m).

An average width of 0.88 metres and average weighted-average grade of 301 g/t AgEq has been calculated from all the historical and current holes within Block B.

The phase 2 drill program will focus on these two blocks of interest with the intent of increasing the drilling density to identify indicated resources and further extend the inferred resources at depth.

Five holes were drilled to test the strike and down-dip extension on the Western Rosarios zone, with four holes successfully intersecting high-grade mineralization, and the fifth intersecting structure and mineralization above the cut-off grade. These results extend the Rosarios zone approximately 135 metres downdip from the last mined stope in the area and demonstrate the potential of extending the zone further downdip and to the west.

Hole RO-24-001 intersected vein mineralization returning 283 g/t AgEq over 3.84 metres (96.83 m to 100.67 m), including 542 g/t AgEq over 1.19 m and 868 g/t AgEq over 0.39 m, and hole RO-24-022A returned 900 g/t AgEq over 0.97 m within a broader interval of 682 g/t AgEq over 1.47 m (183 m to 184.47 m). Hole RO-24-002 intersected 212 g/t AgEq over 0.57 m (65.13 m to 65.70 m) and 191 g/t AgEq over 1.15 m (67.98 m to 69.13 m); hole RO-24-003 intersected 450 g/t AgEq over 0.30 m (156.79 m to 157.09 m). Hole RO-24-023A returned 228 g/t AgEq over 0.50 m (186.77 m to 187.27 m).

Eastern Rosarios: Holes RO-24-007 to 013 targeted the strike and downdip extension of the Eastern Rosarios zone. Hole RO-24-012 successfully intersected vein mineralization, returning 338 g/t AgEq over 1.97 m within a broader interval of 187 g/t AgEq over 4.54 m (48.60 m to 53.14 m), while hole RO-24-010 intersected 140 g/t AgEq over 2.50 m (37.70 m to 40.20 m) and hole RO-24-013 intersected 162 g/t AgEq over 0.65 m (52.19 m to 52.84 m). These holes have extended the Rosarios zone approximately 95 m downdip from the last mined stope in this area.

This opens the possibility that there is potential northwest-trending fault splay mineralization in Eastern Rosarios.

The C340 zone is a sulphide-bearing hydrothermal breccia and vein zone, striking 305 degrees and dipping 65 degrees northeast, which is a fault splay from the Rosarios zone to the northwest into the hanging wall. Hole RO-24-005 returned 347 g/t AgEq over 0.61 m within a broader interval of 184 g/t AgEq over 4.83 m (89.28 m to 94.11 m), hole RO-24-022A returned 176 g/t AgEq over 0.36 m (53.45 m to 53.81 m) and hole RO-24-023A returned 166 g/t AgEq over 0.50 m (59.90 m to 60.40 m), successfully intersected the C340 zone.

Silver Storm holds advanced-stage silver projects located in Durango, Mexico. Silver Storm recently completed the acquisition of 100% of the La Parrilla silver mine complex that comprises a 2,000-tonne/day mill, as well as five underground mines and an open pit, which collectively produced 34.3 million silver equivalent ounces between 2005 and 2019. The company also holds a 100% interest in the San Diego project, Mexico.

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