Solis Minerals commences drilling at Jaguar lithium project, Brazil

Solis Minerals Ltd.’s [SLMN-TSXV; SLMFF-OTC; SLM-ASX; 08W-FSE] drill rig has been mobilized and has commenced the company’s maiden drilling program at the flagship Jaguar lithium project, Brazil. Drilling commenced on June 22, 22 days after signing of the option agreement over the Jaguar project.
Executive director Matt Boyes commented: “We are delighted to announce the commencement of our maiden drilling program at Jaguar a mere 22 days after executing the option agreement over the project. The program is designed to provide our first indication of the potential strike, depth and thickness, along with confirmation of mineralization style and grade. It’s an extremely exciting time for the company and its shareholders, as we drill at a previously underexplored pegmatite in what we hope will become Brazil’s next major lithium province. I look forward to arriving on site as the first core is pulled from our maiden drill hole.”
The initial program is designed to test the strike extent, thickness, orientation and the down-dip extent of the pegmatite body along the known strike length of 1.4 km. The first hole will target the down-dip extent of the main outcropping pegmatite in the Jaguar artisanal workings. This is expected to provide a better understanding of the structural controls and orientation of mineralization and will be followed by step-out drill fences to define the continuity of the system.
The initial program is expected to take approximately 90 days during which the company will keep shareholders informed at regular intervals with a series of updates as drilling progresses. All drill core will be processed at the company’s facilities nearby and sent to SGS laboratories in the state of Minas Gerais for assaying where current turnaround times are approximately 20 days from the submission date.
Solis Minerals is a Latin American battery mineral-focused mining exploration company. The company owns a 100% interest in the Borborema lithium project in northeast Brazil, covering 24,800 hectares. It has recently executed an option to acquire 100% of the Jaguar lithium project in Bahia state, Brazil. In addition, Solis also holds a 100% interest in 32,400 ha of combined licences and applications of highly prospective IOCG (iron oxide copper/gold) and porphyry copper projects in southwestern Peru within the country’s prolific coastal copper belt, a source of nearly half of Peru’s copper production.