Tempus Resources drills 14.3 g/t gold over 1 metre at Elizabeth project, British Columbia

Tempus Resources Ltd. [TMRR-TSXV; TMR-ASX; TMRFF-OTCQB] reported Elizabeth gold project drill assay results from the Elizabeth gold project in Southern British Columbia.
The seven drill-holes announced today are the final assays from the 2022 drill program and include intersections of No. 9 Vein (EZ-22-23, EZ-22-26, EZ-22-28, EZ-22-35, EZ-22-36), Blue Vein (EZ-22-34, EZ-22-35, EZ-22-36), and the West HW Vein (EZ-22-24).
Jason Bahnsen, President and CEO, commented, “The final drilling results from the 2022 drilling program released today provide further evidence of the extension of the high-grade gold zone associated with the No. 9 Vein to over 250 metres and the Blue Vein to over 285 metres. In addition, we are extremely pleased to announce the potential discovery of a new vein set located midway between the SW Vein and the West Vein evidenced by drill hole EZ-22-24 that intersected high-grade gold, 14.3 g/t over 1.10 metres.”
No. 9 Vein Assay Results: The No. 9 vein is a vein for which its northeastern extent was mapped and initially explored via an underground adit in the early 1940s and was subject to a limited amount of historic drilling in the 1980s.
During the 2022 drill program, Tempus completed 10 drill-holes targeting a potential strike extension from the historical workings to the southwest. Several of the No. 9 Vein drill-holes intersected wide zones of quartz veining including 3 drill-holes reporting the presence of visible gold.
Drill-hole EZ-22-28 is the most northern hole drilled on the No. 9 Vein in 2022. On 26 September 2022, Tempus announced that visible gold was observed in multiple locations over approximately two metres of the drill core. Assays for EZ-22-28 confirmed the presence of high-grade gold mineralization with an intersection of 5.2 g/t gold over 6.60 metres from 214.10 metres, including a subsection with “Bonanza” grades of up to 35.0 g/t gold over 1.63 metres from 216.75 metres.
Drill-hole EZ-22-23, located approximately 40 metres south of EZ-22-28, returned wide zones of high-grade mineralization including 5.6 g/t gold over 13.70 metres from 141.1 metres, including 5.4 g/t gold over 0.70 metres from 144.00 metres, and 24.0 g/t gold over 2.78 metres from 152.02 metres.
Drill-hole EZ-22-26 intersected 1.4 g/t gold over 3.79 metres from 173.09 metres.
Drill-holes EZ-22-35 and EZ-22-36 are located in the southern strike extension zone of the No. 9 Vein and the Blue Vein. – Drill-hole EZ-22-35 intersected the No. 9 Vein and the Blue Vein. The EZ-22-35 No.9 Vein intersection assayed 9.5 g/t gold over 1.28 metres from 129.18 metres.
Drill-hole EZ-22-36 intersected the No. 9 Vein and the Blue Vein. The EZ-22-36 intersected the No. 9 Vein assaying 0.5 g/t gold over 1.17 metres of quartz veining from 173.09 metres.
With today’s No. 9 Vein assays, bonanza and high-grade gold mineralization has now been demonstrated over a strike length of more than 250 metres.
Blue Vein Assay Results: Drill-holes EZ-22-34, EZ-22-35 and EZ-22-36 (released today) extend the high-grade mineralization zone within the Blue Vein to over 285 metres. The drill-holes intersected multiple zones of bonanza and high-grade gold mineralization including EZ-22-35 with 3.9 g/t gold over 1.57 metres from 194.32 metres (including a sub-section of 35.2 g/t gold over 0.17 metres) and EZ-22-36 with 24.0 g/t gold over 0.25 metres.
West Hanging Wall Vein – A Potential New Vein Set: Drill-hole EZ-22-24 intersected a potential new vein set located approximately 120 metres east of the SW Vein approximately midpoint between the SW Vein and the West Vein. Assays for drill-hole EZ-22-24 included 14.3 g/t gold over 1.10 metres from 82.90 metres. Further delineation of the West Hanging Wall Vein will be targeted in the Elizabeth 2023 drill program.
Tempus Resources is actively exploring projects lin Canada and Ecuador. The flagship project is the Blackdome-Elizabeth Project, a high-grade gold past producing project located in Southern British Columbia. Tempus is currently midway through a drill program at Blackdome-Elizabeth that will form the basis of an updated NI43-101/JORC resource estimate. The second key group of projects for Tempus are the Rio Zarza and Valle del Tigre projects located in southeast Ecuador. The Rio Zarza project is located adjacent to Lundin Gold’s Fruta del Norte project. The Valle del Tigre project is currently subject to a sampling program to develop anomalies identified through geophysical work.