Thor Explorations drills 4.66 g/t gold over 26 metres at Douta, Senegal

Thor Explorations Ltd. [THX-TSXV, AIM] reported drill intersections of significant gold mineralization from the Makosa gold deposit at its Douta gold project, Senegal.
The Douta Gold Project encompasses the Makosa gold deposit which currently comprises an Inferred Resource of 730,000 ounces of gold, grading at 1.53 g/t, as announced in its maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) published on 18Nov21.
A comprehensive 26,000-metre exploration program of reverse circulationRC) drilling has been ongoing at Douta during 2022, and was designed to upgrade parts of the existing resource and to specifically target potentially higher-grade parts of the deposit. Further to the initial drilling results published on 16 November and 12 September 2022, the company today publishes the results from the final 8,000 metres drilled.
Highlights include drillhole DTRC596 that returned 40 metres at 1.95 g/t gold from 0 metres. DTRC640 returned 26 metres at 4.66 g/t Au from 42metres, including 10 metres at 10.29 g/t Au. DTRC612 returned 32 metres at 1.45 g/t Au from 43 metres. DTRC620 returned 9 metres at 11.74 g/t Au from 58 metres. DTRC626 returned 9 metres at 4.18 g/t Au from 0 metres. DTRC624 returned 16 metres at 2.20 g/t Au from 85 metres. DTRC637 returned 38 metres at 1.01 g/t Au from 42 metres. DTRC641 returned 31 metres at 1.40 g/t Au from 97 metres. DTRC658 returned 37 metres at 1.18 g/t Au from 37 metres.
Segun Lawson, President and CEO, stated: “We are pleased to announce further significant and robust drilling results from the Makosa Prospect. These results are impressive and highly encouraging in the context of the Douta Project and conclude a highly successful drilling season on a celebratory note. The wide zones of near-surface oxide mineralization combined with solid higher-grade zones at depth provide the encouragement and impetus to propel the next phase of advancing this very exciting project in the New Year. In the coming year our we plan to maintain focus both on resource growth and project development in Senegal to meet our objective of bringing the company’s second gold mine into production.”
The company has now received all outstanding drilling results from the Makosa drilling campaign and now awaits the results from the infill programs carried out at the Mansa and Maka Prospects. These results are expected in the early 2023.
The Douta Gold Project is a gold exploration permit that covers an area of 103 km2 and is located within the Kenieba inlier, eastern Senegal. The northeast trending permit has an area of 103 km2. Thor, through its wholly owned subsidiary African Star Resources Inc., has acquired, 70% of the licence from the permit holder International Mining Company SARL (IMC). IMC has a 30% free carry until the announcement by Thor of a Probable Reserve.
The Makosa resource is currently classified as inferred. In August 2022 Thor commenced a program of follow up RC and diamond drilling with the objective of upgrading the higher-grade portions of the resource that fall within the optimised pit shell, to indicated classification.
The significant intersections from Makosa are listed herein using a reporting cut-off of 25 gram-metres and 10 gram-metres respectively. The drill results demonstrate the continuity of gold mineralization both along strike and down dip. From the results of the latest drilling, which include 9 metres at 11.74 g/t gold and 10 metres at 10.29 g/t gold, it appears that several of the anticipated high-grade zones have been intersected in the closer spaced drill pattern.
The Sambara, Mansa and Maka Prospects are located to the north of Makosa. Results from the initial RC drilling at these prosects returned encouraging results including the following:
Sambara: Drillhole DTRC426 returned 6 metres at 4.80 g/t gold from 65 metres. DTRC431 returned 6 metres at 4.80 g/t Au from 12 metres. DTRC491 returned 2 metres at 6.39 g/t Au from 8 metres. DTRC493 returned 6 metres at 2.58 g/t Au from 57 metres. DTRC497 returned 2 metres at 5.85 g/t Au from 26 metres.
Mansa Prospect: Drillhole DTRC363 returned 4 metres at 3.11 g/t Au from 55 metres. DTRC347 returned 5 metres at 1.75 g/t Au from 48 metres. DTRC347 returned 2 metres at 10.65 g/t Au from 56 metres.
Maka Prospect: Drillhole DMRC012 returned 4 metres at 11.0 g/t Au from 18 metres.
These prospects have the potential to provide additional resources and will be fully tested in forthcoming drilling programs. Thor holds a 70% interest in the Douta Gold Project located in southeastern Senegal.