Wedgemount discovers multiple mineralized zones at Cookie prospect, British Columbia

Wedgemount Resources Corp. [WDGY-CSE] reported assay results from its Phase 1 exploration program on the 29,000-hectare Cookie copper-gold property located in the prolific southern Toodoggone copper belt of north-central British Columbia.
Up to 14.8% copper and 88 g/t silver was sampled in mineralized veins in the Overstall zone located in the northwest portion of the project. Multiple new zones of porphyry-related alteration and mineralization were discovered including the Menard Pass area which returned samples up to 2% copper and 119 g/t silver. The next phase of exploration will include induced polarization (IP) geophysics to aid in drill targeting.
Mark Vanry, President and CEO, said, “As per our August 11, 2021 press release, our technical team did an outstanding job finding previously un-sampled zones of copper, gold and silver mineralization outcropping in multiple areas of the project. With a multitude of samples in various areas of the project returning greater than 1% copper, the Company is optimistic that not only will there be robust copper drill targets, but there is also the opportunity for significant grade. Wedgemount is optimistic that the next phase of exploration, including an IP survey, will further help delineate high-potential drill targets for the 2022 exploration season.”
The focus of the 2021 Phase 1 program was to confirm the grade and style of copper and gold mineralization documented in historic assessment reports as well as to evaluate new areas considered prospective for porphyry-related mineralization.
Priority target areas included the 5-km long, Red-Amber northwest-trending corridor on the eastern side of the property and the 6-km east-west trend of under-explored copper occurrences (e.g., Garry, Nightfly, ARD, Kim, Verna, Menard Pass) on the western side of the property. Other priority targets on the western side included the Overstall and Jensen Creek areas.
The field program was based out of a fly camp on the east end of Amber Lake. Over the course of 15 field days, 86 rock samples, 689 soil samples, and 122 alteration chips were collected for analysis.
Assay results have been received for 86 grab rock samples from a variety of mineralized settings on the Cookie property. A total of 52 rock samples returned copper concentrations in excess of 1,000 ppm (0.1% copper) of which 20 samples exceeded 10,000 ppm (1.0% copper). These 20 samples returned results ranging from 1.05% copper to the highest at 14.8% copper.
Four samples returned gold grades over 4 g/t, including the best result of 32.6 g/t gold from sample D704123 which also returned 85.8 g/t silver and 5.17% copper. The sample was taken from iron-oxidized quartz vein float with malachite/azurite staining and chalcopyrite. Nineteen samples returned greater than 10 g/t silver, including two samples that returned greater than 100 g/t silver.
Anomalous copper results tended to have correspondingly anomalous gold and silver results with a wide range of returned values.