West Point Gold drills 52.25 metres of 1.53 g/t gold, including 36.1 metres of 2.02 g/t gold at Tyro Main Zone, Gold Chain Project, Arizona

West Point Gold Corp. [TSXV: WPG; OTCQB: AUSVF] reported the first drill results from its recently completed 1,264-metres (7-hole) diamond drill campaign focused on the Tyro Main Zone, at its Gold Chain Project in Arizona.
Highlights: Hole GC24-30 intersected 52.25 metres of 1.53 g/t gold, including 36.10 metres of 2.02 g/t gold from 43.50 metres. Hole GC24-31 intersected 50.65 metres of 0.53 g/t gold, from 51.30 metres.
Both these holes intersected additional zones in the hanging wall of the deposit – 2.56m of 2.85 g/t Au, from 7.80m (GC24-30) and 4.10m of 2.17 g/t Au, from 23.00m (GC24-31), prompting infill sampling of the holes which is in progress and have the potential to expand the width of the mineralized zone.
Results confirm the exploration target at Tyro of 15.6 to 31.2 Mt at 1.5 to 2.5 g/t Au.
“This drill program has materially advanced our understanding of the Tyro Main Zone and its structural controls. The grades returned fit West Point Gold’s previously announced exploration target, while the widths, along with the new hanging wall zone, suggest the zone may be wider than first thought,” stated CEO, Quentin Mai. “ We look forward to the balance of the results and are preparing for the next phase of drilling which is expected to follow-up on these positive results.”
The Q4 2024 drill program was designed to improve West Point Gold’s understanding of the Tyro Main Zone, in particular the structural model and controls of the mineralization. Based on these assay results and our observations from the other holes, there are two key findings.
First, as evidenced in these assay results, the zone appears to be either wider or there are additional structures in the hanging wall (east side) of the Tyro Main Zone. It also appears that the Tyro Main Zone most likely dips at 80 degrees to the east versus our previous assumption that the zone was near vertical.
Secondly, the Tyro Main Zone appears to have developed between two near parallel structures whose relative movement is responsible for the ground preparation for subsequent gold-bearing fluids. The footwall boundary appears to be a sharp contact that may control mineralization while the hanging wall remains partially defined.
These initial results from holes GC24-30 and GC24-31 are consistent with the previously announced exploration model, of 15.6 to 31.2 Mt at 1.5 to 2.5 g/t Au* and conform with the existing geologic model based upon drilling, trenching and geologic mapping conducted over the vein system.
Hole GC24-30: Drilled to the northwest and perpendicular to the Main Tyro vein system, hole GC24-30 was designed to cross the structure about 50 metres below the Tyro 200 Level which is immediately below the floor of the open pit. The hole is located about 100 metres northeast of hole No. GC23-23 which traversed 44.2 m (approximately 36m true width) at 2.01 g/t Au. A similar complex of veins and veinlets was encountered in hole GC24-30 with the results presented in Table 1. The intercept consists of several discrete banded chalcedony-adularia veins and vein breccia up to 0.8 metres wide within a broader zone 1 to 10 cm veinlets in altered wall rock.
Hole GC24-31: Drilled about 80 metres northeast of hole GC24-30, hole GC24-31 also passed immediately beneath the Tyro 200 Level and about 50 metres below the floor of the open pit. The mineralized envelope, which extends down-hole from 23.00 to 100.55 metres, consists of mostly quartz-chalcedony veinlets with local banded chalcedony-adularia veins and vein breccia up to a couple metres wide.
To date, four holes have been drilled from 20 to 70 metres beneath the Tyro 200 Level over a strike length of about 300 metres indicating widths of the mineralized zone between 25 and 40 metres (true width).
West Point Gold (formerly Gold79 Mines Ltd.) is focused on gold discovery and development at four prolific Walker Lane Trend projects covering Nevada and Arizona, USA. West Point Gold is focused on developing a maiden resource at its Gold Chain project in Arizona, while JV partner Kinross is advancing the Jefferson Canyon project in Nevada.