Nevada Energy Metals exploring lithium projects in Nevada

Nevada Energy Metals Inc. [BFF-TSXV; SSMLF-OTCQB; A2AFBV-Frankfurt] reports that results from their sampling program at the company’s 100%-owned San Emidio Desert Project in Nevada are highly encouraging. Nevada Energy Metals is an exploration company focused on lithium brine targets in Nevada and has several prospective lithium projects there.
The Sand Emidio sampling program was designed to test for lithium values in surface soils and/or playa evaporates. The company reported that “a total of 172 samples were collected with lithium values ranging from 30.3 to a high of 600 ppm (30 mg/L to 600mg/L) with a median value of 215 ppm (215mg/L). Thirty-two samples were above 300 ppm (300mg/L) and 13 were over 400 ppm (400/mg/L).
The San Emidio Desert Project consists of 143 placer claims in total, covering about 1,156 hectares (4.5 square miles) of playa and alluvial fan in the San Emidio Desert, Nevada, about 98  km north-northeast of Reno, Nevada. The basin is fed by anomalous lithium bearing geothermal fluids interpreted to be meteoric waters heated by relatively deep circulation in the earth’s crust.
The company states that the results are important in that they demonstrate that dissolved lithium has been transported into this portion of the San Emidio Desert and is available for potential concentration by evaporative brines.
Nevada Energy also has the  100% owned Black Rock Desert Project where a surface sampling program designed to test for lithium values in playa evaporates returned significant geochemical results reported in September.
In August, Nevada Energy Metals announced encouraging results from a sampling program at their 100% owned Big Smokey Valley Project. The geochemical sampling program was designed to test for lithium values in surface soils and/or playa evaporates.
Nevada Energy Metal’s other Nevada lithium projects include: Teels Marsh West (100%-owned); Clayton Valley BFF-1 Lithium Project (70% optioned-out to American Lithium Corp.); the Dixie Valley Project (Wildcat Exploration Ltd. can acquire a 100% interest) and the Alkali Project (60% earn in option agreement with Dajin Resources Corp.)