Brixton Metals discovers new porphyry targets at Thorn Project, British Columbia

Brixton Metals Corp. [TSX-V: BBB, OTCQB: BBBXF] reported its regional prospecting-soil sampling program results and remaining drill results from its 2024 season at the wholly owned Thorn Project located in NW British Columbia, Canada. The Thorn Project is an underexplored copper-gold porphyry district with many large-scale exploration target areas identified.
Highlights: Discovery of two new porphyry targets on trend along the Camp Creek corridor. The larger of the two zones is called Catalyst which is located 6-8 km from the Camp Creek Porphyry. Rock grab and chip samples of porphyry style stockwork veins from Catalyst returned up to 0.56% copper, 2.87 g/t gold, and 30.0 g/t silver.
Discovery of a porphyry style stockwork vein zones within a 3 km by 1.5 km altered area at the Sentinel Target. Rock sampling from the main Sentinel area generated results of up to 1.54% copper, 0.54% molybdenum, 0.2 g/t gold and 21.7 g/t silver.
Regional rock samples assaying up to 46.9 g/t gold and 35.3% copper (at Calibre), 1,525 g/t silver (at Misty).
Gary R. Thompson, P.Geo., Chairman and CEO, stated, “Our boots on the ground exploration approach has generated three new and exciting copper-gold porphyry targets that have never been drill tested. Brixton plans to drill some of these new targets in 2025 as well as follow up drilling on the Trapper Gold Target and Camp Creek Copper-Gold Target.”
The 2024 exploration season at the Thorn Project included an extensive surficial sampling and geological mapping program with a total of 1,143 rocks, 316 soils and 28 stream sediment samples collected. In addition to sampling, a TerraSpec mineral spectrometer was utilized scanning approximately 2000 rock chips collected over the last two field seasons from across the project. Regional field work was focused on supporting 2024 drilling and advancing early-stage exploration targets to generate drill targets for the 2025 field season. Sampling was conducted across multiple target zones with highlights discussed below.
Catalyst-Tempest: At the end of the 2024 field season, two new Cu-Au-Mo porphyry targets were discovered adjacent to the northeast striking Camp Creek fault that hosts the Camp Creek and Cirque porphyry targets. Both new targets are hosted in Late Cretaceous porphyritic biotite-feldspar diorite intrusions.
Overlying the porphyry are Windy Table volcanics with age dates of ~85-82 Ma. Field relationships between geological units suggest that mineralization at the new targets occurred prior to the deposition of Windy Table volcanics and are therefore of similar timing to the Camp Creek Porphyry.
The Catalyst showing, 6 km northeast of the Camp Creek Porphyry Target, is defined by a 300-metre long exposure consisting of stockwork quartz-chalcopyrite-molybdenite A veins hosted within a strong quartz-sericite-pyrite alteration zone. Soil sample assays suggest that Cu-Au-Ag-Mo mineralization extends up slope from the sampled vein zone.
Rock samples from the Catalyst showing returned up to 0.56% Cu, 0.11% Mo, 2.87 g/t Au, and 30.0 g/t Ag, including a 1.55-metre chip across a stockwork vein zone which assayed 0.46% Cu, 68 ppm Mo, and 0.37 g/t Au. The anomalous gold values from samples containing porphyry style veins are encouraging for the potential of a gold-rich porphyry system. A total of 93 soil samples were collected with results up to 0.16% Cu, 0.24 g/t Au, 89 ppm Mo.
The Tempest showing is located 4.5 km east of the Camp Creek Porphyry and 2.5 km south of the Catalyst showing, hosting a 500 m by 600 metre zone of moderate to strong sericite-clay-pyrite altered porphyry with high sericite crystallinity identified from the SWIR data. A magnetic high to the north of the showing suggests potential continuity of the hydrothermal system to the north. Rock sampling at Tempest returned up to 0.36% Cu, 0.28 g/t Au, 10.8 g/t Ag, and 104 ppm Mo.
Sentinel Target: Sentinel is a newly recognized Cu-Mo porphyry target located within the East Target. The East Target hosts several mineralized Late Cretaceous intrusions, including at the Bing and Icy Cu-Mo porphyry targets.
In 2024 sampling and geological mapping was focused within the anomalous area leading to discovery of multiple zones of stockwork porphyry style quartz veining accompanied by potassic, phyllic, and argillic alteration assemblages that zone out to propylitic alteration, all within a 3 km by 1.5 km area. Rock sampling from the main Sentinel area generated results of up to 1.54% Cu, 0.54% Mo, 0.2 g/t Au and 21.7 g/t Ag.
Extensive copper oxides were sampled 3.5 km to the southeast of the stockwork vein zone, hosted in a potassium feldspar altered monzonite with samples assaying up to 1.12% Cu. This area has seen limited work and will be further investigated in 2025.
Calibre: The Calibre Target encompasses the region southwest of Brixton’s Camp Creek Cu-Au-Ag-Mo porphyry and Trapper Gold Targets and hosts significant copper-silver-gold mineralization. Numerous new showings were discovered in areas with no historic samples. Late Triassic to Eocene intrusive and volcanic rocks host polymetallic veins with assays up to 46.9 g/t Au, 1040 g/t Ag, 35.3% Cu.
Of the 121 grab samples collected, 16 returned greater than 1% Cu. Of particular interest are mineralized and altered intermediate to felsic volcanics of probable Late Cretaceous age, not previously recognized in the area. The new showings will be further evaluated for porphyry and epithermal potential in 2025.
Misty Target: Rock sampling was completed at the Misty Target located within a newly acquired claim block that borders the historic Golden Bear Mine, which produced greater than 485,000 oz gold. Samples were collected within areas of glacial recession in an area of limited historic work, approximately 2.5 km north-northwest of the Bear Main open pit.
A total of 23 rock samples were collected returning up to 31.6% Cu, 1525 g/t Ag, and 1.42 g/t Au with five samples assaying greater than 1% Cu. Quartz veins with semi-massive pyrite-chalcopyrite are found within Stikine Assemblage Paleozoic volcanic rocks.
Trapper: New areas of copper mineralization were uncovered during the 2024 field season in the Trapper area, approximately 5 km east of the main area of drilling at the epithermal gold target. Widespread copper oxides accompanied by pyrite and rare chalcopyrite were sampled in both upper Triassic and upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks. Of the 22 samples from this area, three returned greater than 1% Cu with values of up to 3.76% Cu.
To the south of main drilling, a previously unsampled area of quartz-carbonate-sulphide veins in upper Triassic volcanic rocks returned values of up to 11.9% Cu.
A soil grid was completed approximately 700 metres southeast of the main area of drilling in an area with no outcrop to assist in undercover targeting of gold mineralization along trend of the main Trapper system. Of the 51 samples collected, seven samples assayed greater than 100 ppb Au with values up to 1680 ppb Au.
Plum: The Plum Target is an early-stage, porphyry-epithermal target located 30 km southeast of Thorn Camp bordering Brixton’s Metla Target to the west as well as the historic Golden Bear Mine claims to the south.
Field work was carried out in areas with little to no historic sampling to better define the target potential for both porphyry-copper and epithermal-gold mineralization.
A total of 92 rock samples were collected with 11 samples returning greater than 1% Cu and one sample returning 5.79 g/t Au with copper dominant mineralization found in quartz-carbonate veins.
North Target: The North Target is located approximately 10 km north of Thorn Camp and was actively explored for its porphyry Cu-Au-Ag-Mo potential during the 2024 field season. Geological mapping, rock and soil sampling was completed to support the 2024 drill program with four holes drilled at the North Target for a total of 2,266 mteres.
A total of 257 rock and 71 soil samples were collected. Mapping and sampling were successful in outlining the extents of numerous alteration zones across the target area. Rock samples returned up to 3.92 g/t Au, 542 g/t Ag, and 6.0% Cu and soils up to 0.12% Cu and 160 ppm Mo. Rock and soil geochemistry, geophysics, SWIR results, and mapping data will be utilized for further targeting within the 11 km by 4 km trend of porphyry to epithermal alteration that spans across the target area.
Trifecta-Cirque: Further exploration efforts were conducted proximal to Camp Creek with geological mapping and rock sampling completed at the Trifecta and Cirque porphyry targets to support the 2024 drill campaign. A total of 167 rock samples were collected, with samples at Cirque returning up to 1.66% Cu and 3.12 g/t Au. At Trifecta, quartz-carbonate-barite veins occur in a 1-3 m thick vein breccia within upper Triassic volcanic rocks and returned values of 4.09% Cu and 221 g/t Ag. The veins sit within a larger 400m x 400m Cu-in-soil anomaly that was drill tested during the 2024 field season.
Prospecting and mapping was followed up with drilling at both targets. Initial drill results from the Cirque Target were released on September 17, 2024.
While THN24-299 intersected narrow intervals of porphyry-style veining and mineralization resulting in only modest grades, drilling confirmed the presence of a mineralizing porphyry system nearby to which hole 299 is interpreted to have drilled along the margins of the phyllic alteration halo.
Results from the 2024 field season highlight the district-scale potential for new discoveries within the Thorn Project. Targeting over the winter will utilize geochemistry, geophysics, geological mapping, and SWIR results to generate drill targets and follow-up work for the 2025 field season. Numerous broad areas of the Thorn Project remain underexplored and Brixton Metals will continue to apply a mineral systems approach to advance established targets and search for unrecognized hydrothermal systems.