Gatling drills 170 metres of 1.5 g/t gold at Larder Project, Ontario

Gatling Exploration Inc. [GTR-TSXV; GATGF-OTCQB] reported that drilling at its 100%-owned Larder gold project in northeast Ontario has intersected increased continuity and grade with 170.0 metres of 1.5 g/t gold starting just 31 metres from surface.
Hole GTR-20-089 was drilled on Zone 2 of the Fernland deposit and follows Gatling’s recent success 400 metres west at Zone 1, where drilling hit 101.3 metres of 1.1 g/t gold from near surface. The company will continue with its current focus on near-surface gold mineralization by testing Zone 3 at Fernland – one of three gold deposits along a 4.5-km trend at the Larder project that hosts high-grade mineralization at depth and widespread mineralization near surface.
Jason Billan, President and CEO, commented: “This second round of drill results in our ongoing 25,000-metre program are led by highlight hole GTR-20-089, which matched the highest metal factor ever hit since the inception of Gatling. Furthermore, our exploration team has demonstrated impressive, near-surface continuity for the first time at Larder. The Fernland deposit will be the focus for just over half of the current drill program, before we deliver an initial resource estimate at Fernland along with a resource update at Cheminis and Bear (due out in [the second half]).”
There is rapidly increasing continuity of gold mineralization at the Fernland deposit. Fernland is the most underexplored of the deposits at Larder. Drilling continues to prove that the gold system is far more extensive than prior operators believed and includes an impressive near-surface component. Drilling at Zone 2 has hit 170.0 metres of 1.5 g/t gold in hole GTR-20-089 approximately 400 metres from hole GTR-20-088 at Zone 1, which intersected 101.3 metres of 1.1 g/t gold, also starting near surface.
Widespread results include significant high-grade intervals and potential for increased grades at depth. Results from hole GTR-20-089 also returned sections as high as 8.6 g/t gold over 3.0 metres, indicating that there is a deeper source of gold mineralization to be explored down plunge.
A high percentage of gold mineralization is above regional open-pit cut-off of 0.3 g/t gold. Of the 170 metres of intersected gold mineralization, 128 metres (75%) was above 0.3 g/t gold.
The Fernland deposit has three distinct zones. Gatling demonstrated a thickness up to 13.0 metres at 2.0 g/t gold and a continuity of 170.0 metres at 1.5 g/t gold at Zone 2.