Tres-Or recovers 48 more microdiamonds from Guigues kimberlite

RC drill rig arriving to collect indicator mineral samples
Tres-Or Resources Ltd. [TRS-TSXV; TRSFF-OTC] reports that 48 more microdiamonds have been recovered from new samples of the 100%-owned Guigues kimberlite pipe in southwestern Quebec by the Saskatchewan Research Council Geoanalytical Laboratories Diamond Services (SRC).
The microdiamonds were recovered from 305 kilograms of previously unsampled intervals of Guigues kimberlite drill core, with the largest two microdiamonds remaining on a 0.425-millimetre square mesh screen. All but three of the recovered microdiamonds are described by SRC as white/colourless and transparent with no or minor inclusions. Only one microdiamond is described as having noticeable inclusions.
The 305 kilograms of material processed for microdiamonds comprise three samples from half-split drill core (HQ size) testing different parts of the pipe. Recovered microdiamonds are well distributed throughout the pipe. Out of 65 sample bags processed, 30 returned at least one microdiamond. The maximum number returned per batch was nine and the second most prolific batch returned five. The 13 bags comprising sample 047531 returned the most total microdiamonds at 22, suggesting the possibility of a higher-grade phase in the southern part of the pipe, but more data are required to gain confidence in this possibility. Tres-Or will be looking to identify potentially higher-grade kimberlite phases as additional sample data become available.
The combined abundance of microdiamonds compares well with the published results for the Victor Kimberlite (De Beers’s Victor diamond mine located 670 km northwest of Guigues in the James Bay Lowlands), which Tres-Or considers significant because of the similarities between Victor and Guigues mantle indicator mineral.
The total number of microdiamonds recovered by SRC is 58.