Southern Silver intersects bonanza-grade silver at Cerro Las Minitas

Southern Silver Exploration Corp. [SSV-TSXV; SSVFF-OTCQB] reported that it has identified Bonanza-grade silver mineralization on a second target within the Mina La Bocona zone at the Cerro Las Minitas Project, Durango Mexico.
Drilling on the East side of the Cerro tested the down-dip projection of the La Bocona Chimney which was historically mined by artisanal miners to approximately 210 metres depth.
Bonanza grade assays from drill hole 20CLM-131 returned 15.1 metres down-hole (8.0m est. TT) averaging 1,072 g/t silver, 18.8% lead and 7.5% zinc (2,040 g/t AgEq; 51.7% ZnEq) which includes subintervals of 1.1 metres down hole (0.6m est. TT) grading 3,180 g/t silver, 58.8% lead and 2.3% zinc and 1.6 metres down hole interval (0.8m est. TT) grading 2,340 g/t silver, 35.9% lead and 1.6% zinc.
Additional mineralized intervals intersected further down-hole include 16.1 metres down-hole (8.5m est. TT) averaging 121 g/t silver, 2.5% lead and 2.5% zinc (311g/t AgEq; 7.9% ZnEq), including 3.0 metres down hole (1.6m est. TT) grading 413 g/t silver, 8.7% lead and 9.3% zinc (1,103g/t AgEq; 28% Zn); and 1.0 metre down-hole (0.5m est. TT) averaging 59 g/t silver, 0.6g/t gold and 3.37% copper (489g/t AgEq).
Drill hole 20CLM-131 is one of four holes which tested the extension of the La Bocona Chimney over an approximate area of 60m x 140m and between the 210-metre mining level and roughly 350 metres below surface. Mineralization is open to depth and partially open along strike.
Select intercepts from other holes which tested the Chimney include 20.9 metres down-hole (9.0m est. TT) averaging 212 g/t silver, 0.64g/t gold, 3.7% lead and 3.3% zinc (512g/t AgEq; 13.0% ZnEq), including 7.4 metres down-hole (3.2m est TT) grading 287 g/t silver, 1.64 g/t gold, 4.6% lead and 4.8% zinc (763g/t AgEq; 19.3% ZnEq) from Drill hole 20CLM-129 and 6.4 metres down-hole (4.3m est. TT) averaging 146 g/t silver, 0.19 g/t gold, 2.9% lead and 1.6% zinc (320g/t AgEq; 8.1% ZnEq), including 0.8 metres down-hole (0.5m est TT) grading 809 g/t silver, 0.4g/t gold, 17.1% lead and 9.1% zinc (1,741g/t AgEq; 44.1% ZnEq) from drill hole 20CLM-128.
The mineralization identified in the La Bocona Chimney is the second, thick sulphide lens with Bonanza-grade silver identified in the Mina La Bocona target area and the third high-grade lens identified on the eastern side of the Cerro. Refer to company press release for complete assays.